Source code for flask_diamond.mixins.marshmallow
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Flask-Diamond (c) Ian Dennis Miller
from ..facets.database import db
[docs]class MarshmallowMixin:
# dump
[docs] def dump(self):
"serialize the Model object as a python object"
return self.__schema__().dump(self).data
[docs] def dumps(self):
"serialize the Model object as a JSON string"
return self.__schema__().dumps(self).data
[docs] def dumpf(self, file_handle):
"write a Model object to file_handle as a JSON string"
# load
[docs] def load(cls, python_obj):
"create a Model object from a python object"
obj = cls.__schema__().load(python_obj)
return cls.create(**
[docs] def loads(cls, buf):
"create a Model object from a JSON-encoded string"
obj = cls.__schema__().loads(buf)
return cls.create(**
[docs] def loadf(cls, file_handle):
"create a Model object from a file_handle pointing to a JSON file"
return cls.loads(
# dump_all
[docs] def dump_all(cls):
"write all objects of Model class to an array of python objects"
return cls.__schema__().dump(cls.query.all(), many=True).data
[docs] def dumps_all(cls):
"write all objects of Model class to a JSON-encoded array"
return cls.__schema__().dumps(cls.query.all(), many=True).data
[docs] def dumpf_all(cls, file_handle):
"write all objects of Model class to file_handle as JSON"
# load_all
[docs] def load_all(cls, python_objects):
"create objects of Model class from an array of python objects"
objs = cls.__schema__().load(python_objects, many=True)
for obj in
cls.create(_commit=False, **obj)
[docs] def loads_all(cls, buf):
"create objects of Model class from a string containing an array of JSON-encoded objects"
objs = cls.__schema__().loads(buf, many=True)
for obj in
cls.create(_commit=False, **obj)
[docs] def loadf_all(cls, file_handle):
"create objects of Model class from a file containing an array of JSON-encoded objects"