System Requirements

Flask-Diamond requires some software to be installed in order to function. Once you have installed these requirements, you can follow the Quick Start to start your first project. The following packages should be installed globally, as the superuser, for all users on the system to access.

The following sections describe the process for installing these requirements on various systems. In each of the following examples, it is assumed you will be using a root account (or some other privileged account).

If you do not have root access, then refer to the section Unprivileged Installation for information about creating a virtualenv in your user account.


Flask-Diamond installs cleanly on Debian and Ubuntu systems released after 2011.

apt-get install python python-dev python-pip build-essential
apt-get install sqlite-dev
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper


Flask-Diamond can be installed on RedHat, but ensure your package manager is installing Python 2.7; as of August 2015, RHEL provides an older version.

yum install python python-devel python-pip
yum install sqlite-devel
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper

OSX with Homebrew

Flask-Diamond installs pretty easily on OSX with Homebrew. Make sure you are using the admin user for this process, just like a normal Homebrew operation.

brew install python --universal --framework
brew install pyenv-virtualenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
brew install sqlite
pip install --upgrade pip

Unprivileged Installation

Sometimes, you do not have root access to the system. It is still possible to use Flask-Diamond, but the installation process is slightly different because it does not use virtualenvwrapper. Instead, you will create your virtualenv directly and use the activate macro to work on it.

curl -O
python my-diamond-app
. my-diamond-app/bin/activate
pip install Flask-Diamond

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