Quick Start

Flask-Diamond installs in a Python environment with virtualenv. Please see the System Requirements for information about installation pre-requisites.

Install Flask-Diamond

Create a virtualenv for your new Flask-Diamond application, and then install Flask-Diamond with pip.

mkvirtualenv Flask-Diamond
pip install Flask-Diamond

Scaffold a new Flask-Diamond application

Create a directory to hold your application, and then scaffold a new Flask-Diamond application inside that directory. For this Quick Start, just use the default options.

workon Flask-Diamond
diamond-scaffold.sh ~/Documents/new-project
cd ~/Documents/new-project
mkvirtualenv -a . new-project

Use it!

Create the database:

make db

Start the server:

make server

You now have a server running at Visit your new application in a web browser and login with the following account details:

  • username: admin
  • password: aaa

Next Steps

It’s easy to scaffold a Flask-Diamond application. Now you can Learn Flask-Diamond by reading the online materials.

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