Makefile Explanation

The Makefile that ships with Flask-Diamond by default includes a number of targets that address several common tasks throughout the life cycle of a project. The way to use the Makefile is with the make command. Thus, to install the project with make, you’d invoke make install.

During development, the Makefile is one of the primary ways for you to interact with your project. You may find yourself running make db server or perhaps make single with some regularity. It is recommended to become familiar with the Flask-Diamond Makefile.


These targets control project builds.

  • install: Use to install the project (typically inside a virtualenv).
  • clean: Delete all of the temporary files created by install.
  • docs: Use Sphinx to render the documentation in etc/sphinx.


These targets are used to run the application with the dev.conf profile.

  • server: Invoke the HTTP server in debug mode with dev.conf
  • shell: Enter a python (or ipython) shell within the virtualenv.
  • notebook: Use ipython notebook, if installed, to inspect the application.


These targets are used to run automated tests.

  • test: Run all of the tests using nosetests.
  • single: Run only tests marked with the @attr("single") decorator.
  • watch: Enter a loop that watches for any project source code to be changed, and then automatically run any tests marked with the @attr("single") decorator.


These targets control the database. By default these use the dev.conf profile so as to avoid inadvertently changing the production database.

  • db: drop the database, re-create the database, and populate the database with starter values.
  • newmigration: when the data model schema has changed, use newmigration to create a new data migration.
  • migrate: apply all data migrations, in order, until the database is up to date.

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