
Many applications will want to expose some functionality through a command line interface, and bin/ provides an easy way to accomplish this. For example:

  • certain administrative tasks could be triggered from the command line
  • other tasks can be automated using a tool like cron

Many of the targets within the Flask-Diamond Makefile are actually wrappers for, but you can invoke it manually on the command line like so:

SETTINGS=$PWD/etc/conf/dev.conf bin/ runserver

The following commands come with Flask-Diamond by default.


  • shell: Launch the Python REPL (or iPython if installed) using Flask-Script. By default, the following objects will be imported into the namespace:

    • app: your app’s Flask-Diamond object
    • db: your app’s database object
    • model: your app’s model
  • runserver: Launch your application’s HTTP server. When runserver is invoked, it will bind to localhost. The PORT your application listens on is defined in the Configuration Explanation.

  • publicserver: Like runserver but public. This causes the server to bind to so that remote hosts can connect to your application. This is intended for development purposes, and is not recommended for deployment. See Web Services with WSGI for more information about running a public web service.

  • db: This command acts as the entry point for Flask-Migrate. The subcommands available, taken directly from the command output, are:

    • upgrade: Upgrade to a later version
    • heads: Show current available heads in the script directory
    • show: Show the revision denoted by the given symbol.
    • migrate: Alias for ‘revision –autogenerate’
    • stamp: ‘stamp’ the revision table with the given revision; don’t run any migrations
    • current: Display the current revision for each database.
    • merge: Merge two revisions together. Creates a new migration file
    • init: Generates a new migration
    • downgrade: Revert to a previous version
    • branches: Show current branch points
    • history: List changeset scripts in chronological order.
    • revision: Create a new revision file.
  • useradd: Add a user to the users database via Flask-Security. This accepts the following arguments:

    • email: (required)
    • password: (required)
    • admin: True/False Should this user have the Admin role?
  • userdel: Delete a user from the users database.

  • init_db: Drop the existing database using Flask-SQLAlchemy and re-create it. This obviously destroys anything in the database, resetting it to its original state.